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This is a question Foot in Mouth Syndrome II

Have you ever said something and wished the ground would open up and swallow you? Tell us your tales of social embarrassment.

Thanks to BraynDedd for the suggestion

(, Thu 16 Aug 2012, 14:12)
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Thanks for the nice replies
I don't see how you get a racist vibe off this, and I tried to get The Bint to understand that playing loud music late at night was antisocial behaviour on several occasions, to no avail.

I was driven to the end of my tether by this woman's total disregard for her fellow man.

If you can read anything other than that into this tale, then you are total cunts. Get fucked.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 8:50, 2 replies)
You fucking Tarquin.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 9:06, closed)
Get YOU precious.
You racist prick.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 9:10, closed)
Ah, well
I guess this is just mindless abuse for the sake of being a cunt. Farewell, cunts
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:05, closed)
Yeah, whatever.
Go back to Stormfront with the rest of your type.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:08, closed)
Top work, stuj. Excellent flounce provoking.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:10, closed)
I dunno what it is with these racists Brayn, you'd think their skin would be just a bit thicker given that their heads are.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:12, closed)
dunno what stormfront is...
...just happy to be the fuck out of the UK on the sunny NSW coast. You'd really like it here. Far less cunts.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:22, closed)
Far more going by all the aussies I've met.
No doubt you fit in well there, ALL Australians are massive racists.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:24, closed)
Nice stereotyping
Did you train for that?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:51, closed)
Just calling it as I see it.
Did you train to be such a massive racist or does it just come naturally to you?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 10:56, closed)
I'm not going to rise to the cunty racist thing
so why bother? Much nicer life here, with my bitches, my coconuts, my stash 'n' all. you feel me, motherfucker?
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 11:10, closed)
I'm just glad that you're not in the UK.
We've got too many racists here as it is, without you adding to the number.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 11:14, closed)
same, same
get original, bitch
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 11:17, closed)
Oh, just stop this intolerable racism.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 11:21, closed)
Best thread ever.

(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 12:59, closed)
It's awful isn't it vaggy?
He says he's not a racist and then apes the way that he thinks black criminals talk.
If we had decent mods here he'd be banned for his racism.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 13:14, closed)
Flounce accepted though.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2012, 13:06, closed)

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