Broke the bank at Las Vegas, or won a packet of smokes for getting your tinkle out in class? Outrageous, heroic or plain stupid bets.
Suggested by SpankyHanky
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 7 May 2009, 13:04)
"Betcha ten bucks thatcha can't do this!",
I said, and slowly, I leant over backwards, resting my fingertips on the ground, before settling my weight onto my palms.
I was in short, literally bending over backwards for someone.
they didn't pay up the slimy git.
Poppet some assembly required., Fri 8 May 2009, 9:25,
5 replies)
While wearing
A Sailor Moon outfit. *Wipes* Sorry.
porkylips looks better as the sun goes down., Fri 8 May 2009, 11:27,
You know the rules...
Pictures or it did not happen :)
TheMagicDwarf is back like ballroom dancing, Fri 8 May 2009, 11:40,
I bet you
10 pounds they had a good look at yer fanny though
The Apeface Cherub is not a cunty-uber-cunt, Mon 11 May 2009, 14:28,
I only do that trick when wearing jeans and pants :D
Poppet some assembly required., Wed 13 May 2009, 8:15,