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Home » Question of the Week » Evidence that you're getting old » Post 17155 | Search
This is a question Evidence that you're getting old

Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.

What makes you think that you are getting old?

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
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I take great delight
In making my 24-year-old boyfriend feel old, mainly by relating innocent anecdotes about my 8th birthday party, pausing and adding "...of course, you'll have been 14 then..." Although that probably makes him feel like a kiddy fiddler rather than old...

Also: Him: (Telling me a story of his misspent youth) ...and this was back when you were allowed to smoke on buses, remember?
Me: No.
Him: ...Jesus, you're young!
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 22:15, Reply)

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