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This is a question Ginger

Do you have red hair? Do you know someone hit with the ginger stick? Tell us your story.

(, Thu 25 Feb 2010, 12:54)
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This QOTW...
Having just spent a spare half an hour reading through some Ginger posts, I decided to go and make myself a cuppa in the staff kitchen.

With all things ginger swirling round my brain I noticed one of the new IT lads they’ve got working here who was busy heating up his soup in the microwave is actually a proper full on gingeformer. By that I mean he’s ginger in disguise. If you look at him in a certain light his barnet could almost pass as a rich deep brown. But no. As I stood and eyed him up suspiciously in the works kitchen, waiting for the kettle to boil, him stood there waiting for the tomato soup to warm through, it was pretty damn obvious under the stark strip lighting he’d been hiding something from us all. Could be a deceptecon, I thought. Some kind of ginger decepticon…

“’y alright?” he said, noticing how I was staring at him with this odd look on my face.

I nodded slowly. “Yeeessssss…. I’m fine, thanks…

He finished preparing his soup and fucked off to find a spare table to ladle it down his ever-so-slightly-freckly gob. I finished making my tea. Then I remembered the stash of biscuits one of my colleagues keeps hidden in the back of the cupboard. Helping myself to a packet I go and find a seat of my own. I’m sat on the next table along from the new IT guy. He looks up at me, I look across at him. We nod. Everything’s fine. Everything’s cool.

Then I remember my manners. He’s new, I haven’t introduced myself properly yet. He’s also just finished his soup and, I assume, he might be quite partial to a nice stack of biccys for afters. He catches my eye again. I raise the packet I’m happily munching on and then I say it, this QOTW still on my mind. I slipped up, and I blurted out far too loudly with a stupid peadoesque smile on my face:


Silence. Looonnnnnggggg awkward SILENCE…. Then the new IT guy stood up and walked away, taking his empty soup bowl with him. As he walked past I heard him mutter what I can only imagine was: “Prick…”

I looked down. I wasn’t holding a packet of ginger nuts. I’d been happily polishing off a packet of chocolate bourbons.
(, Mon 1 Mar 2010, 14:01, 5 replies)
Tit. Always have been , always will be.

(, Mon 1 Mar 2010, 14:04, closed)
Didn't realise it was you Hanky
There wasn't enough stuff about sex in that story
(, Mon 1 Mar 2010, 14:10, closed)
Well done Spanky
You get a click for the "Some kind of ginger decepticon..." line and for foot-in-mouth syndrome yet again.
(, Mon 1 Mar 2010, 17:54, closed)
Maybe you're onto something: maybe there is a Ginger Conspiracy....
He obviously changed from his true form to something more acceptable and less frightening to normal humans. Good eye, though. You're like a trained cadaver (or in this case Ginger) dog.
(, Mon 1 Mar 2010, 18:15, closed)
I'm astounded you never got into some unlikely situation which involved you having sex with him.

(, Tue 2 Mar 2010, 14:49, closed)

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