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My pal inspects factories for a living, and I shall take his expert advice to the grave: "Never eat the meat pies". Tell us the best advice you've ever received.

(, Thu 20 May 2010, 12:54)
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"Better to stay silent and be thought a fool,
than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Don't recall where it's from initially, or where I heard it, but it's stuck with me for a number of years.
(, Thu 20 May 2010, 17:05, 2 replies)
I believe that might be
a Mark Twain quote
(, Thu 20 May 2010, 17:07, closed)
See my sig
Boethius, roughly translates as

if you'd kept your mouth shut, we might have thought you were clever.
(, Thu 20 May 2010, 17:15, closed)

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