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This is a question Guilty Pleasures, part 2

It's been a while since we last asked this question and CaptainFellatioNelson's confession that he likes "to fart under the duvet, creep in and see how long I can last only on the fart air contained within" reminded us just how good it was last time.

What are the little things you do for fun when nobody else is around?

(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 11:48)
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Crunchy Bits
I like to step on snails. Whenever I walk home, if there's a snail on the path, it gets squished with a satisfying "CRUNCH"

My record was 83 snails on one journey, a particularly wet night. There was one period where I was able to take seven steps, each time putting my foot down on a different snail.

I'm a bad man, and will probably be reincarnated as a snail near the salt factory.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 17:41, 3 replies)
You Evil Snail Murderer!
seriously dude you've got issues :-)
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 18:22, closed)
I have a pet snail - it's given me some empathy with the buggers, but not when they're eating my lettuces and cucumbers....then they go flying over the fence into the local park.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 18:51, closed)
I used to tread on snails...
Then i came over all karma-ish and stopped doing it. I fear the world being taken over by giant snails, who will then hunt me down very slowly, and slime me to death.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 20:19, closed)

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