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This is a question My most gullible moment

Someone once told me that gullible wasn't in the dictionary and I went, "yeah yeah ha ha" but when they were gone that didn't stop me checking. What was YOUR most gullible moment? Zero points for buying an icon on b3ta.

(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 18:33)
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Apprentices always fall for everything
and my father, a welder for over 40 years now, has seen a few of them.

At one point he worked with two guys who hated each other. They also both had a penchant for practical jokes. Things like filling each other's hats with engine grease.

On one occasion, co-worker A thought he would have a bit of fun and said to his apprentice, "Go and see if co-worker B has a left handed screwdriver, I really need one for this job."

Gullible apprentice falls for the joke and asks co-worker B who is pissed of at being disturbed. "No, I don't have one. Wait a minute though, I think I can help."

He walked over to co-worker A's toolbox, grabbed all his screwdrivers and took them back to his bench. One at a time he stuck then in the vice and gave them all a 45 degree bend.

"There you go" he said to the apprentice, "Take them back and tell him they're all left handed screwdrivers now."
(, Sun 24 Aug 2008, 4:53, 1 reply)
thought this was going to be yet another long weight, tartan paint type story.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2008, 9:43, closed)

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