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This is a question I'm going to Hell...

...because I said the Lord's Prayer backwards at a funeral to summon up the Goat of Mendes, Freddie Woo tells us. Tell us why you're doomed.

Thanks to Kaol for the suggestion

(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:09)
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Is It Just Me
but, ever since seeing that Dave Allen sketch as kid, I can't keep a straight face at burials.

As soon as the Vicar starts to talk at the graveside it's running through my head.

"In the name of the Father, The Son and into-the-hole-he-goes...."

I'm doomed I tell you, doomed....

(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 6:16, 4 replies)
It isn't just you
Every time I have been to a funeral, when the vicar says "ashes to ashes" I can't help but sing "funk to funky, we know Major Tom's a junky" in my head.
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 8:04, closed)
Ashes To Ashes
Dust To Dust
If The Worms Don't Get You
The Maggots Must...

And yes, I also get the Bowie problem.

Funerals are just hell for me...
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 8:14, closed)
Dave Allen will do that
If I'm talking myself through something in the kitchen and my girlfriend asks what I'm doing, I do reply "Just rehearsing, dear."
(, Fri 12 Dec 2008, 11:26, closed)
Funerals would be better if they all played Bowie as they lowered the stiff into the worm pit. Plus Dave Allen was a legend
(, Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:29, closed)

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