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This is a question I'm going to Hell...

...because I said the Lord's Prayer backwards at a funeral to summon up the Goat of Mendes, Freddie Woo tells us. Tell us why you're doomed.

Thanks to Kaol for the suggestion

(, Thu 11 Dec 2008, 13:09)
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Sympathy Tattoo
A lad I used to work with, Danny, likes his tattoos. At 20 years old, he's got most of his arms inked, and quite a few on his torso and legs.

Being good friends with his tattooist, he gets most of his done for nothing. One morning, he awoke with a hangover, and the familiar nip that told him that he had had further ink applied the night before.

On inspection he found, underneath a bandage on his left leg, a love heart with 'Barry' written on a scroll underneath. Barry was his tattoist.

I saw him in a pub a few days after he had this done and pissed myself laughing when he showed me it.

"Ah," he said. "I've got a plan!"

His plan was this: when chatting to women he was going to show them his leg and claim that Barry was a little brother who had died of leukemia. Therefore, he reasoned, sympathy shags all the way.

I haven't seen him to ask how successful he's been.
(, Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:49, Reply)

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