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This is a question I just don't get it

Poor Semiret, he's foreign and has no idea if he "should laugh about the whole 'only playing music when they are out of ice cream' thing or not." There's also a Far Side cartoon that has had him stumped for almost 20 years.

What don't you understand? What have you politely gone along with whilst internally going WTF?

(, Thu 31 Mar 2005, 11:09)
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A German co-worker from a few years ago
Used to run over and blurt out incomprehensible dirty jokes, substituting German words when he got too excited to say the English ones (My German is tourist level at best).

He would then shake my shoulder until I "got the joke". After a few weeks it was funny for the wrong reasons, after a few months my shoulder started to hurt.

He was a great guy, so I didn't want to tell him to fuck off, and when I asked him if he could stop shaking my shoulder he went off in a huff and didn't talk to me for a couple of weeks (turned out I was the best friend he had as he'd only been in the country for a few months). After that he started up again, so I kept laughing.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2005, 10:17, Reply)

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