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This is a question I just don't get it

Poor Semiret, he's foreign and has no idea if he "should laugh about the whole 'only playing music when they are out of ice cream' thing or not." There's also a Far Side cartoon that has had him stumped for almost 20 years.

What don't you understand? What have you politely gone along with whilst internally going WTF?

(, Thu 31 Mar 2005, 11:09)
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I loathed all of the iritating mono-tone ringtones for ages, and them came polyphonic ringtones with could iritate you in 16 channels with 4 octaves. And now the most anoying sounds you cou could not possible imagine in your mortal brain are available as mp3 ringtones. And those dirty, thieveing chavs make you listen to it in its entirerity before they read their text message....Dirty chavs why dont they just phone it only costs 5p to phone someone to say 10 words without the vowels. And another thing about mp3 ITS NOT MPEG 3 its mpeg LAYER 3.

edit:I hate old people who complain because the easter eggs are in shops the day they open after christmas, my dad is a shop manager so he puts the cream eggs out chrsitmas eve just to piss them off.
(, Sat 2 Apr 2005, 20:29, Reply)

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