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This is a question Pure Ignorance

What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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This woman I work with
Is a complete mong head sometimes she has come out with some priceless things! Just the other day she was telling us of this amazing discovery she had made: apparently she had been driving around for sometime with no water in her windscreen washers, her husband got in the car to drive and quickly encounterd the problem. When he asked her why there was no water she replied "well it hasn't rained in a while". When asked to explain further by her puzzled husband she uttered the gem "I thought rain filled the engine back up through the slits in the top of the bonnet".

This is the same woman who asked me what the difference was between an air guitar and an electric guitar!!!! apparently she was under the impression that guitars without the long cable to the amp were powered by the air!!! What a friggin dumbass!
(, Fri 7 Jan 2005, 9:52, Reply)

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