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This is a question Pure Ignorance

What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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Funny things....
I'm sure there's plenty of stories I've heard that i can't remember but these'll do for a start...

My Mum used to work as a barmaid in the early 80's when video recorders were first becoming popular, the locals were discussing the merits of VCR when one local said'I think I'm going to sell my TV and buy one of these video things...'
or the lovely but ever so slightly simple worker in our local who asked 'How is it that Australia's six months behind us, yet they celebrate Christmas at the same time?'

Working at a call centre for a major high st bank, dealing with aditional borrowing on the mortgages always bring up some pearlers,
Like the guy who owed us about 12 month's worth of mortgage payments and wanted to borrow the money from us to pay us our arrears back!?! or the people who have no job,no income and want to borrow money because their house is worth loads!
In general I find that individual members of the public are inteligent, but collectively the general public are as thick as pigshit.

Never work with children,animals or the general public.
(, Fri 7 Jan 2005, 21:51, Reply)

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