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What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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I had a friend...
...and I still have I suppose...Anyhow, this guy was about 25 at the time, had a degree in English, and was a teacher, who taught A-level in our local college. It was summertime, and while he was giving me a lift to work, I commented on the amount of sugar-stealers flying about (Big fluffy seed things, like dandelion heads, but lighter), and he started going on about them migrating......

Him - I wonder where they go every year?
Me - Where what go?
Him - You know, the Sugar-stealers...
Me - ...Stunned silence...Er...you do know they're not alive...they're seeds...
Him - Oh... really...I always thought that they were...

Jesus...this guy taught me english...least he's not american though...

NB - On an American note, I was at a big camp in Thailand, where its incredibly disrespectful to have any flag flying higher than the Thai flag, to the extent that we took down the pretty damned elaborate flagpole that had taken us all day to produce, just to rectify this. The Americans, on the other hand, decided, in their world ruling wisdom, that this was a whole bunch of crap and proceeded to make their flag fly higher than anyones. Later that night however, an international force of people with respect decided to take it down and replace it with a tiny flag stuck in the sand....Ha Ha!!!! Take that America!
(, Sat 8 Jan 2005, 3:06, Reply)

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