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What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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Silly Cockney
One dayWhen i working behind the bar, I was delighted to be serving a group of four cokneys. Anyhow, one of the men asked me for a Guinness.
Me: Guinness or Guinness cold?
Cockney: Why would I want a warm Guinness?
Me: I'm not offering you a warm Guinness. I'm offering you a normal Guiness or an extra cold Guiness...
Cockney: I want a cold Guiness.
Me: Ok.
So i start to slowly serve a Guinness Cold for the fellow. I notice them getting imaptient after a minute...
Cockney: What's taking so long?
Me: I'm pouring you a Guinness. It takes time sir.
Cockney: Facking hell mate. I've been waiting here for ages.
Me: Ok sir, you do know it tastes better when it's settled?
Cockney: You takin' the piss?
and so on... This conversation went on for about three minutes and was finally settled when he took a sip and complained that it was too cold. He called me a 'fick norvern cant' and wandered out the pub.

I was always under the impression that it was us Northerners that were the supposed stupid ones...
(, Mon 10 Jan 2005, 19:09, Reply)

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