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What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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After a scuffle in our high st that had been broken up by the coppers, i overheard one of our boys in blue trying to move the Big issue seller on, 'Come on Son haven't you got a home to go to?'.

And customers really do my nut in, like today...
Hello, I'd like to borrow more money on my mortgage please...
me: and can I take your roll number please?
customer: Oh no, I don't have my mortgage with you,


customer: Why have you cancelled my switch card
me: i have no idea I only deal with additional borrowing on mortgages, I can transfer you through tot he right dept.
customer: that's no good, i've been queing for 10 minutes to speak to you.. *hangs up*

Fucking retards, how simple is it to listen to a recorded message and press the right fucking button? if they let george W Bush have the big button to release nuclear armageddon and he hasn't pressed by mistake in 4 years, then surely somebody calling an automated phone service can press the RIGHT FUCKING BUTTON, and then they wouldn't be pissed off when they speak to us and we have to transfer them, after all its NOT MY FUCKING FAULT THAT THEY HAVE BIG FUCKING SAUSAGES FOR FINGERS, THE ATTENTION SPAN OF A RETARDED GOLDFISH AND CAN'T UNDERSTAND SIMPLE ENGLISH LIKE PRESS BUTTON 1 IF YOU HAVE AN EXISTING MORTGAGE AND WANT TO BORROW MORE MONEY ON IT....
and we trust these muppets to elct our Govt???
The state of the public really depresses me....

just thought of another one..
me 4 years ago , 'Yes I'd love to take this job in customer services'...... aaarggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(, Mon 10 Jan 2005, 21:50, Reply)

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