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This is a question Ignoring Instructions

When I was small, a friend of mine waved a big plastic bottle at me and asked me if I "wanted some drinking yoghurt?" I pointed out the "do not drink" label, but no, he was convinced this was a big jug of a particularly strange, liquid yoghurt that was briefly popular in the 70s.

He was sick for hours, after consuming a suprisingly large quantity of washing liquid.

What instructions have you ignored?

(, Thu 4 May 2006, 11:24)
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Yup, the irresistible Sodastream.
I blew myself up with the Sodastream so many, many times and didn't even have the excuse of being a kid when the kitchen was once again sprayed with milk or cold cocoa.

Non-Sodastream anecdote follows -

On first learning to drive, I took the little future b3tan son for a spin in the family Cortina.

He kept up a constant stream of instructions -'Turn right here, then second left, roundabout...' and so on. This from a six year old! And me an adult, with all of two days' driving experience!

I tried to ignore him and deliberately turned second left instead of third, and found myself in a narrow dead end off a busy main road, from which I could only escape via a humiliating 88-point turn.

I listened harder after that, and he was ALWAYS right.
(, Thu 4 May 2006, 18:14, Reply)

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