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This is a question I hurt my rude bits

Spent all day with a sore bum, went to the loo to check it out and found blood in my pants. Not good. Piles? Checked in the shower and pulled a staple from my arse. Serves me right for leaving an old pencil case in my underwear drawer. BTW: On relating this story to a friend they said, "some people will do anything for a prick up their bottom."

(, Thu 13 Jul 2006, 22:00)
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A couple of months ago
A couple of months ago, I decided to grow my nails. with quie a bit of success, I ended up having my hands photographed for a nightclub but that is another story...

Well anyway, It had been a looooong time since I had an encounter with another person (hmmmm....) and got extremely drunk.

Whilst I was helping my "friend" (who I never met before or seen since) out of his trousers I accidently grabbed too hard and sliced his member, causing a lot of pain (for him) and a lot of blood.

When I called the Ambulance and the 2 paramedics turned up, I tried to explain what happened "tactfully" but for some reason they (and later the entire staff at Accident and Emergency) found this funny. This guy ended up having 5 stitches for this wound.

I have since cut off my nails for fear of "Self-mutilation" or being called something out of Silence of the Lambs.
(, Fri 14 Jul 2006, 16:44, Reply)

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