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This is a question Impromptu Games You Play

Me and the missus were at London Zoo the other day. We invented a great game called "Spot the Paedo." We counted about 8 single men with suspicious facial hair before the end of the day. What games have you made up on the spot to play with your friends?

(, Mon 29 Mar 2004, 15:50)
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would you accept
Mutual Masturbation as a game...we were young we were (not) so innocent we had a long bus journey twixt college and home...first to come won...er as it was...i always felt at a dissadvantage being a bloke 'n' all that...extra points were earned for..."nearest our stop" she would win as there was less mess...

the above is not true

/yes it is this is b3ta...you will not be offended!
p.s. this game is for concenting adults only, i guess she would be considered a bit more than a friend

although on reading the others...i am considering the delete key an option....

/more sex games
(, Mon 29 Mar 2004, 16:04, Reply)

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