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This is a question I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke

Challenge: write a joke. As simple joke with a setup and a punchline.


* Don't steal jokes - write them
* Don't flood post
* Just don't be a dick ok?

So join in and write a bad joke and apologise for it.

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(, Wed 8 Aug 2018, 9:00)
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A friend of mine cannot distinguish between the songs "There She Goes" and "One day Like This".
He literally doesn't know his La's from his Elbow.
(, Wed 22 May 2024, 9:51, 1 reply, 10 months ago)
I've always thought that if anyone formed an Elbow tribute band, they should call themselves Arse.
On the basis that they'd aim to be so good, you can't tell your Arse from your Elbow!
(, Wed 22 May 2024, 11:25, Reply)

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