The other night a friend confessed to a really intense friendship when he was young. Nothing sexual or anything, but it did extend to always going to the toilet together. As he put it, "we shared our poos."
Think back to the innocence of blood brothers and being friends forever and tell us the stories of loyalty, commitment and how it all went horribly wrong. You've seen Heavenly Creatures...
( , Fri 28 Jul 2006, 10:21)
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I've been friends with this girl since the sixth grade. I've had my parents drive to her house to rescue her from a "ghost" and I've talked with her through the traumatic dissolution of her last relationship and many things in between. She's been one of the few people I've been in contact with since high school and in short I would kill for her if she asked me to.
What she actually asked me to do was to break up with my boyfriend. I was only settling for him ("why settle for a small decrepit shack when you could have a huge gorgeous mansion later on?" well what if i don't need that much space and i'd rather have something real now then something that might not exist in the future?... yeah that's what I should've said) and that he would eventually turn out like her psychotic ex (mental and familial stability aside). Due to her signifigant life experience and intellegence she had planted within me a large enough seed of doubt to almost make me go through with it.
In doubt, I turned to one uninvolved person for advice and she promptly accused me of going behind her back (talking about this with her friends is apparently ok). She also tore me a new one with a (quite true) littany of ways that I suck as a human being: I'm a flake, I have no ambition, I'm mentally and emotionally immature; as an only child I think i'm the center of the universe, etc etc. It's all right, she only wants to help me; I just don't seem to want to listen.
Fortunatly she seems to have decided that me and my "unsuitable" boyfriend aren't worth stressing over, although she still slightly gives me the fear whenever she comes over.
PS: Boyfriend is also a "pastry peon" at a post resort (kitchen is basically "The Office" with knives and fire) and it grieves me to know that I missed the last QotW.
( , Tue 1 Aug 2006, 15:22, Reply)
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