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This is a question That's when I knew it was over...

Nice and simple this week. Just tell us the exact moment you knew that relationship, that job or that penchant for custard-dipped young boys was over.

(, Thu 21 Jul 2005, 10:45)
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It's soooo over
Let's give a little background to this story of loss, heartache and being royally fucked over. A two-year relationship, and me and the former Mrs Jimmy were both going to uni (I was going back, she was starting). As the supportive boyfriend that I was, I helped her to move in, and also aid in the process of making friends (not exactly one of her strongpoints, so I did this for her as well). We have three good nights in Nottingham, for this is the uni she goes to. I help her to move in, make friends, and as I have said, a good time is had, both with her and her new-found social circle. I arrive home, missing her more than Pearl Harbour missed the point. I get ready for uni myself, spending ages on the phone, etc etc. I arrive at uni, still missing her. Two days in, out of the blue, I get The Phonecall. It's over. Cue the massive drinking binge, as well as feeling like utter shite. I phone up the next day (belm!!), arranging to go pick up my stuff and drop off hers. Two days later, I make the journey, to find two rather "interesting" facts. One, it's well and truly over. Two, she's fucking one of the guys who I helped her make friends with. Total bitch, no? Even worse, she nicked my PS2 as well, the bitch. Better off? Hell yeah!

Still, I recovered. and another story, this time being the end of an era at uni. I was missing the end of term blowout, mainly because I was leaving early to come and work in the States, where this post is being written. True alcoholic armageddon, if ever there was. A baker's dozen of shots, a very filthy, dirty pint; two bongs and several spliffs later, I wake up in the morning bald, covered in writing (later found to be signatures), clutching a large iron spike. It was the best party I had in ages. At least I somehow woke up in my own bed. And what did I do? Had a wash and then spent the morning getting absolutely wasted on weed (again). Rock on.

Watching some of the video back, it seems I was doing speeches. Which were quite short and sharp, unlike this post.


It's just occurred to me that perhaps I owe my ex a debt of gratitude, as the day after she dumped me I ended up signing up for Camp Leaders in America at the Fresher's Fayre, and now I am writing this post in my own computer room in upstate NY, working in a children's summer camp. Funny how things turn out, eh?
(, Sat 23 Jul 2005, 23:44, Reply)

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