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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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Trikes & Stairs
As previously mentioned, I was a clumsy child, and a frequent flier at A&E. Dad used to joke that they had a reserved cubicle with my name on it.

So, I'm aged about 3, and its raining outside. Again. So WeeWitch, showing all the common sense and lack of self preservation you'd expect in a 3 year old, has dragged the trike inside the house. And up the stairs. Our house had a lovely, long hallway, and the stairs went down at the end, with a 180 degree turn (and no stair gate).

There I was, belting along the hallway, and skidding to a halt at the top of the stairs. The inevitable happened after two or three turns, and down the stairs I went. Still holding onto the trike.

I swear I hit every stair on the way down, and ended up totalling the telephone table at the bottom. Good job it wasn't the fancy glass-topped one my Mum had wanted....

Dad was summoned home from work, older bro was deposited at Granny's, and off we went to A&E. Several X-rays later, I emerged, arm in a sling, my elbow having been forcibly relocated. That hurt. That hurt like hell. I needed sedatives to get to sleep for three or four days, and the sling was on for three weeks if I remember right.

Did I learn how stupid it was to belt along the hall on a trike and skid to a halt, broadside, at the top of the stairs? Did I heck. I did the same bloody thing six weeks later, when my auntie was babysitting. Mum had banished the trike to the shed, but I could always talk Auntie Dot into anything. Including getting the trike out of the shed, and playing in the house with it.

She phoned an ambulance, and Mum arrived back just as they loaded me up. They kept me in that time, as a fractured collar-bone needs careful monitoring. I'm not sure they entirely trusted my parents (poor sods did their best). When I got home, the trike had gone. I was more upset about that than the (still painful) collar bone.
(, Mon 21 Apr 2008, 14:28, 1 reply)
My Brother
did a similar thing at a similar age.

oh shite he frequents the qotw.
may have just given myself away

(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 14:18, closed)

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