Lead Balloon
Have you tried to be funny and failed horribly? Yeah, join the club. Or have you witnessed someone crash and burn by either being plain unfunny or offensively unfunny? Tell us your stories of sense of humour failure
Thanks to the charmingly named Reginald Donkeyfuck (not related to the Cheshire branch of the Donkeyfuck family, one presumes)
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 22 Aug 2013, 12:40)
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Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:07,
1 reply)
Sell My Book!
& then make really inappropriate comments about a girlfriends death.
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:16,
That shut you up?
Best gaz The Professor. then.
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:26,
Are you feeling alright?
The Goderator trumped and you smelt it, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:28,
he's talking to himself in reply to two people who he has on ignore on an account he created after he was banned for having an internet breakdown
... what do you think?
alright alright, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:43,
Ask Prof. Kenny Martin about Battered.
You Johnny-cum-lately.
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 9:55,
Maybe your leg had just grow?
The Goderator trumped and you smelt it, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 10:03,
Look everyone.
Johnny come lately doesn't know what he's talking about so he's make some garbled shit up to cover his ignorance when he's really at the point when he should shut the fuck up lest he look like an absolute idiot.
EDIT: I don't know if you noticed, but Battered has gone real fucking quiet since my post. You might want to wonder why before you respond. Maybe ask him. It may make you look like less of a fool than you already do.
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:21,
'maybe your legs had just grow' is an oldskool b3ta meme
you'd know this if you weren't a fat noob gobshite laughing stock orphan loser weeping internet virgin
alright alright, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:36,
Sorry, not down with the "in-jokes"
from 2004.
Is it in the b3ta Dictionary?
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:41,
Why don't you ask Johnny-cum-on-your-ugly-wife's-veiny-tits-lately?
The Goderator trumped and you smelt it, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:43,
fucking hell you honestly don't know how thick you are
you're calling somebody a noob who's clearly been here much longer than you, you slumping heap of loser
alright alright, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:44,
I see who I'm dealing with now.
s0ckpuppet logging out to reply to you if you're not careful, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:50,
you're not even dealing with your own toilet
alright alright, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:51,
You really don't.
The Goderator trumped and you smelt it, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:52,
Oh dear.
Maybe Battered has a life, sadsack?
In other news, wind your sausage neck in, you flailing mongturd.
The Goderator trumped and you smelt it, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:40,
66819 has been groped
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 11:22,
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 11:22,
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