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Home » Question of the Week » Pathological Liars » Post 105281 | Search
This is a question Pathological Liars

Friz writes, "I recently busted my mate who claimed to have 'supported the Kaiser Chiefs in 2001' by gently mentioning that they weren't even called that back then."

Some people seem to lead complete fantasy lives with lies stacked on lies stacked on more lies. Tell us about the ones you've met.

BTW, if any of you want to admit to making up all your QOTW stories, now would be a good time to do it.

(, Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:17)
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Depressing and long
When I was a teen my older brother was firmly into his skag and was making an effort to get off of it. One of the things he used to substitute his brown was copious amounts of alcohol, including Natch and whisky.

One night I was on my own in the house and discovered a bottle of his whisky. I promptly drunk the whole bottle to myself and ended up being quite ill.

Upon the discovery of his missing alcohol in the morning, my brother was a little cheesed off. My parents weren't exactly pissheads and it's highly unlikely someone broke into the house to nick his whisky, so the blame in his eyes (rightly so) fell on me. Me being a little shit at the time fervently denied drinking his alcohol, claiming he must have done it himself and forgotten. Understandably this pissed him off no end.

Cue the big argument and at this point my parents had heard the ruckus and were defending me.
"There's no possible way he could of drunk all of that bottle, he would of been sick" etc etc

The argument escalated into violence and in the end the police were called to take him into custody. This caused a rift between the family and him and unfortunately a few months later he died of an overdose.

I really, really, really wish I had told the truth and to this day I have incredible difficulty telling even the smallest of lies.


Apologies for length, tone etc
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 7:57, 6 replies)
errrr, if that's genuine....
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 8:03, closed)
^ what Jeccy said
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 8:42, closed)
Yeah, it's genuine
I know it wasn't my fault but it's one of those things that get played out over and over in my head. I have an expression that I use to break myself out of the self blame loop:

"Either you invent a time machine or you deal with it"

Three cheers for b3ta for cheering me up on more than one occasion.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 8:54, closed)
There's no way it was your fault. If it hadn't been that that caused the argument, it would have been something else, and ultimately your brother had responsibility for his own choices...hope you know that. big hugs.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 10:32, closed)
That is a really harsh thing to happen
poor guy. you too.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 10:35, closed)
I feel for you m8...
...my older brother had a habit for more than a decade, and we were all forced to think about what the hell we'd to if we lost him to it on more than one occasion. It was especially hard at times when the things that the habit had made him do made us none-too-pleased with him. So I can at least imagine how you feel.

I feel lucky to still have my big brother around these days, and I fucking should do, I know.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2007, 12:30, closed)

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