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Home » Question of the Week » Lies that went on too long » Post 1557660 | Search
This is a question Lies that went on too long

When you lie you often have to keep lying. Share your pain. When I was 15 I pretended to be 16 to help get a summer job. Then had to spend a summer with this nice shopkeeper asking me everyday if I was excited about getting my GCSE results. I felt like an utter shit. Thanks to MerseyMal for the suggestion.

(, Thu 8 Mar 2012, 21:57)
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I hope he get's cancer,
just so his missus can remind him that that's his business, and nothing to do with her. Then he dies, alone.

There's a lesson for us all, kids: smoking makes you look cool.
(, Tue 13 Mar 2012, 9:02, 1 reply)
Well, assuming that he already knows that he is going to give himself cancer
then I stand by my point.

Obviously if he is so utterly oblivious to the outside world that he doesn't know it's dangerous, disgusting, dirty and other dergotatory 'd' words, then yes, maybe bring him up to speed.

(Can you spot the righteous ex-smoker here?)
(, Tue 13 Mar 2012, 9:14, closed)
Is it you?
My weak claim to fame is that I once had a hole burned* into my jacket by one of the cigarettes that contributed to Roy Castle's death. This first hand experience of the true horror of smoking allows me to speak with a high degree of authority.

*Being a nylon jacket, it didn't so much burn, as melt.
(, Tue 13 Mar 2012, 9:39, closed)
Yes, it's me. Award yourself a prize of your choosing.
There is a contradtiction in your argument, I'm afraid. On the one hand you say smoking is bad. On the other you say it lead to the death of Roy Castle.

You can't have it both ways.
(, Tue 13 Mar 2012, 9:44, closed)
Oh, you awful, awul man!
You're just bitter 'cos you never got that "most cigarettes smoked at once" record, aren't you?

I would like a cuddly toy, please. If you don't have that, an X-box will be an acceptable substitute.
(, Tue 13 Mar 2012, 9:46, closed)

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