Life Hacks
Sometimes you find the cheat mode when everyone else is struggling to get something done. What are your little tricks to making life easier? Bonus points for pics or diagrams.
McChinaman banned, Thu 28 May 2015, 16:17)
stale smegma makes an excellent base for growing authentic mould on your action figures
lol man river definite greek god, Thu 28 May 2015, 19:06,
5 replies)
That got a little lol.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Thu 28 May 2015, 19:18,
I'd ask the bronies about that
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 28 May 2015, 19:21,
not clicking that
it's probably a kickstarter
lol man river definite greek god, Thu 28 May 2015, 19:24,
[uber-1337 H4xX0rzZ edit] I am a tragic balding rat-faced pirate prick
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Thu 28 May 2015, 19:28,
lol man river definite greek god, Fri 29 May 2015, 17:07,