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Home » Question of the Week » Local Nutters » Post 15243 | Search
This is a question Local Nutters

Everywhere in the world has its fair share of deranged people. I grew up in Wolverhampton and remember the Polish tramp who lived in a tent on the roundabout. Legend had it that his coat was stuffed with cash. More recently I notice the guy who spends his day pushing a trolley round Camden Sainsburys shouting, "Best of luck!". Constantly. Tell us about your local nutters. Points for details. Extra points for photos.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 11:54)
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Yet another Manchester "Eccentric"
Having the wonderful mistfortune of living in the Gorton area of Manchester (shootings, stabbings and currently a serial rapist operating within a 5 minute walk of my flat), it comes as little surprise to me that we have our very own local nutter.

A gentleman of slightly advanced years, I can only assume that he used to be in the army. His mind is on the way out the door however and he still seems to think that he is fighting the Hun. Most days he can be found marching down the streets, accosting unseen assailants, pointing his walking stick like a loaded Enfield .303 rifle. This in itself would seem bad enough, except he wears an old blue plastic carrier bag like a vest and an old army style beret.

Oh and he carries a notebook too, taking details of suspicious looking characters on the street...bless.

Edit: Just noticed that he's known as "Corporal Lampost" on the Galaxy 102 top 10 Manchester nutters, he made number 6.
(, Fri 17 Sep 2004, 12:06, Reply)

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