Bluehamster tells us: "This morning I found myself filling my mug not a teabag, but with Shreddies." Tell us of the times when you've convinced yourself that you're losing your marbles.
( , Thu 21 Jul 2011, 12:59)
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or should that be way less?
either way, it's a load of fucking bollocks
( , Mon 25 Jul 2011, 21:24, closed)

as long as you're thick enough to believe in them.
This makes me wonder - you know how occasionally doctors are caught sexually molesting patients and convincing them that it's part of the treatment?
Well surely that's equally as effective as homeopathy.
Probably shouldn't have said that. Somebody might jump on this idea and open a clinic.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 8:18, closed)

when people start choosing homeopathic treatments for cancer instead of chemotherapy, becuase they believe it's somehow more effective (because hopeopaths tell them so).
Using placebo for a malignant tumor is like farting against a hurricane to see if you can stop your house being blown down.
The point is that they are con artists and massive twats.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 8:58, closed)

I work for the NHS, and I'm totally sickened by the amount of GPs who provide expensive homeopathic treatments out-of-hours in their surgeries. (As if they need any more money.)
I'm not one of those who thinks that this sort of thing is just "a self administered tax on the scientifically illiterate" (Ben Goldacre's line). It's not surprising that people are confused about homeopathy when GPs themselves are using NHS surgeries as fronts for this kind of exploitation.
A lot of these GPs really do believe in it, but really that's even less defensible than just being exploitative bastards. Ignorantia juris non excusat, after all.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 9:19, closed)

There is a time and a place for homeopathy.
Hear me out, before you say anything..
Yes, it is a placebo effect. That is how it works. The idea is to trick your body into healing itself; the "medications" used are not medications, they are sugar water and whatever other placebos. That is the point. It will most often not work because in your mind you know it is a placebo. However, I do have a homeopathy success story:
When I was a child I was plagued by frequent, painful mouth ulcers and cold sores. As you might know, this is not curable. It can be treated on a regular basis with aciclovir, but it only brings the symptoms down, it does not prevent any future outbreaks. Enter sugar pills, that I was told to leave under my tongue, and after that I could not have licorice or mint for the next 6 months (what this had to do with anything I do not know, probably just BS to make it sound authentic). And it worked. The cold sores stopped developing.
It worked partly because I thought it would, and partly therefore, as a result of me thinking it would go away, bringing my stress levels down, which reduces the chance of outbreaks.
It is stuff like this that homeopathy is made for. No sane human being would (I would hope) suggest it for serious things that would otherwise require surgery or other such procedures.
Just my two cents/pence
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 12:40, closed)

But wouldn't it be better if we harnessed the power of the placebo without:
a) telling people that conventional medicine is 'toxic' and 'dangerous'
b) intentionally confusing people about science and muddying the waters of evidence
c) making people doubt the idea of evidence based science altogether
d) having this bizarre Christian/ritualistic belief underlying the whole thing
Surely something like this: www.boingboing.net/2008/05/29/placebo-pills-made-f.html is a lot better than any anti-enlightenment snake oil claptrap.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 12:53, closed)

Agreed on all points.
I think this depends on the person you are seeing.
I was too young to really remember the guy at all, but my parents are highly rational people who take the word of science over anything unsubstantiated, so I doubt he tried to push any of this nonsense on them.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 13:14, closed)

He talks about a time (before 1910, if I remember correctly) when doctors could legally use placebos on patients, and were under no obligation to inform them of the truth. I think this was a better system. The whole idea of patient choice is bullshit anyway - doctors are experts, and as anyone here who has been discussing anxiety attacks can tell you, your own opinion on your own health is practically worthless because it is so easily distorted. The more choices you have, the more likely it is that you'll make the wrong choice.
I'm sure every GP has wished he could just give a sugar pill or a saltwater injection to every hypochondriac, stress-head etc. (even people with ulcers, sores, and many of the other illnesses which amazingly benefit from the placebo effect).
It's easier with kids though, because parents can give consent. And most parents are quite used to lying to kids to make them feel better anyway.
The experience you describe actually sounds great (I love the flourishes - no mint or licorice - awesome). I just wish this was on the NHS, and part of evidence based practice rather than hokey homeopathy.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 14:01, closed)

I have read Ben Goldacre's book, it's a great book.
RE tyrellsOwl's story - Aside from placebo, there is also a tendancy that people have which is to take a treatment whilst ill, and once the symptoms disappear to assume that the pill you have taken or the tiger penis you have strapped to your head has cured whatever it was.
The truth is often that illness just clears up by itself. From the way you describe it, it sounds like this may have happened. The placebo may have helped. However, if you know it's a sugar pill it will do nothing, unless you truly believe in the healing power of Snickers™.
The power of placebo is moderate against certain illnesses and conditions, but unfortunately homeopathy in general is a hard sell bullshit organisation which causes people to deprive themselves of effective treatment. It should be *banned*.
I like the point about doctors being able to prescribe placebo, however. This may be appropriate for some patients, but there are ethical concerns.
( , Tue 26 Jul 2011, 16:25, closed)

about epdemiology. I'm really looking forward to it, and it's the best and most acceptable reason why he hasn't updated his website much lately.
I'd like to see homeopathy banned, or at least forced to carry a disclaimer, but whenever I express views like this I can't help but feel I've fallen in the trap of the right wing pundits who accuse the left of state interventionism, curtailing freedoms and nannying the public. Which is all true, I guess, but not necessarily a bad thing!
( , Wed 27 Jul 2011, 12:27, closed)

Well, it did clear up by itself, because sugar pills sure didnt do it!
However, it was made better by the experience. Like I said, it was reocurring for years, very severely, until the homeopathy treatment, after which I would not even break out at all for months.
( , Wed 27 Jul 2011, 13:06, closed)
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