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This is a question Drugs

Tell us your pharmaceutically-influenced anecdotes, legal or otherwise. We promise not to dob you in to The Man.

Thanks to sanityclause for the suggestion

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 13:30)
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I had to score some laxatives when working in Africa a few years back, as I'd been on a diet of red-meat and little else since landing, and hadn't shit all week.

So I get them, neck one - no effect within 30 minutes. So I have another. Still no effect. "They must be duff" I think. "May as well finish them".

I forget about this until later on when they eventually start to go to work on the impacted mass of dead animal sitting in my colon. Cue crippling pain, really unlike anything I've felt before or since, and a desperate urge to shit. Only I couldn't - for an hour or so. Then the world fell out my arse, head-first.

If you've seen the scene in Trainspotting where Renton gives up heroin, gets constipation and shits in the worst toilet in Scotland? That was me. I had an arse like a japanese flag for two days.
(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 17:50, 5 replies)
they're designed to work overnight

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 18:05, closed)
As it happens
they did, I took them around 6pm, met up with some friends, went for some drinks, then around 2am my guts decide to stir into action.

At 5am I was emptying my guts in a petrol station on the road out of Pretoria and wiping my arse with newspaper.

At 7am I'd left a jobby the size of thermos on the road to Sun City.
(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 20:53, closed)
that image is making me giggle

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 21:28, closed)
Just for the Japanese flag.
(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 19:18, closed)

(, Fri 17 Sep 2010, 6:34, closed)

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