We've all taken a dodgy cab in our time. One guy asked me to give him a back-rub in exchange for letting me off the fare. I was like, "here's the cash mate." Another chappy claimed to be Paddy Patel - a child actor from UK TV series Tuckers Luck - he drove like a speed freak and regaled me with stories that "playing a black Irish boy. England wasn't ready for it." So go on - tell us your worst and we'll tell the world.
[edit: for those confused by the term mini-cab, London has two sorts of taxis: highly regulated, licensed and salt-of-the-earth black cabs that you see in films and a whole bunch of unlicensed, uninsured, random cars driven by nutters who aren't supposed to pick up from the street (you have to phone for them). They are universally rubbish]
( , Wed 26 May 2004, 21:44)
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Back in my wilder days when I used to be partial to the odd chemical indulgence:
1) We were going out for a mate's birthday, the do was a haloween fancy dress so I was dressed up in the full scream outfit. I booked a cab and figured that if I dropped my tab of acid (first in a few years), it wouldn't kick in till we got there. Said cab was an hour late, and then charged us a little over the odds for the ride. As the only bloke in the car I got lumbered with having to argue with the cabby - he wasn't budging so I got out and slammed the door pretty hard. The taxi driver then follows me out and in no uncertain terms tells me that he wants to smash my face in. Now, I am not a small guy and at the time was pretty into my martial arts, however this guys was built like a barn, I'm starting to come up on the LSD pretty rapidly on this acid, and am dressed in a black cape, latex mask complete with only a plastic knife to fend him off with. Thankfully I managed to puff my chest up enough for him to fuck off to fleech some other poor drug-addled party-goer but I was fucking bricking it.
To top it off, after we got to the party I took an E to help smooth my ruffled feathers and end up taking a female friend to A&E at 1am after she arsed down the stairs and hurt her ankle. I'm sat in A&E surrounded by coppers, my eyes are like saucers and I'm having a hard time looking normal on my cocktail of Ecstacy, LSD and Booze looking after a girl who's in pain and had an arguement with her boyfriend so is screaming her lungs out and throwing her engagement ring all over the place. Top night all in all.
2) Just to balance it, this is a nice one. I'd been out clubbing with my g/f at the time and both of us had had a couple of pills that turned out to not be very nice. Both her and I are feeling a bit crap (but still pretty off our faces) and decide to call it a night. We stagger out of this out-of-the-way club about 3am and prepare ourselves for a 30 minute walk home on a cold November night. Outside is a minicab (pre-booked only type), we go over and ask if he's picking up, he considers it and says he'll give us a ride. The car is a top of the range Orion with leather seats, really quiet and smooth. The guy drops us back, lets off about a quid on the fare as we didn't have all of it and was really friendly but pleasantly quiet on the drive.
We got back and were pretty violently sick, but that cabby was a star and restoring some of my faith in humanity more than made up for a crappy night.
I should point out that I pretty much don't touch drugs any more and haven't for a few years - these were just events that happened at that time in my life
( , Thu 27 May 2004, 1:00, Reply)
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