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Home » Question of the Week » Missing body parts » Post 56223 | Search
This is a question Missing body parts

Now there are some bits of your body you don't mind losing - my dad's just got rid of a kidney stone, my own tonsils once tried to asphyxiate me, and nobody wants warts.

Other bits are more useful - a family friend recently lost an arm... which would be OK if his job wasn't managing dis-armament talks.

What have you lost, and where did you leave it?

(, Thu 1 Jun 2006, 18:22)
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Manual surgery
I used to have a Cindy Crawford-style mole just above the corner of my mouth. Some bloke managed to take it off pretty cleanly with his thumbnail while we were playing rugby. It bled like a sonofabitch but remarkably there's really no scar.

Plastic surgeons, who needs em?
(, Fri 2 Jun 2006, 9:38, Reply)

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