Mrs Liveinabin tells us: My mum told me to eat my vegetables, or I wouldn't get any pudding. I'm 32 and told her I could do what I like. I ate my vegetables. Tell us about mums.
( , Thu 11 Feb 2010, 13:21)
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H ow can i possibly begin to describe her?
E ccentric, yes, but by no means stupid.
L oving and caring, as a mum should be.
P leasant to everyone, even strangers.
M indful of others' feelings, she always thinks before she speaks.
E ver ready to lend a hand - or a fiver - whenever needed.
I ndomitable of spirit, she never gives up.
M ore than a match for bullies and tyrants.
L ively and fun, always a hit at parties.
O pen-hearted and warm, always ready with a hug.
C heerful even in the face of despair.
K ind to small animals and children.
E asy to talk to, always willing to lend an ear.
D eft with a needle and cotton.
I ncreasingly beautiful, she ages like a fine wine.
N ever nosy, she'll always wait until you're ready to tell her.
H appy with nothing and grateful for everything.
E cstatically happy to babysit her grandchildren, any time of day or night.
R eady for anything, no matter how big the problem.
C uddly and soft, with a smell that just says "mum".
E veryone's best friend.
L ightweight drinker, she'll stay sober to watch out for others.
L ess a woman, more an angel.
A mazing, simply amazing.
R ight now, i have to say, i love my mum.....
*edited to make the gag easier to spot
( , Thu 11 Feb 2010, 17:51, 3 replies)

I can see how distraut mums are.
C onsidering what they put up with.
A nd how much they love us.
L eaving the nest can be hard at times.
L oving a child can be harder.
E ven when we drive them nuts.
D oubtful if a mother never loved a child,
T hat likely deserved love.
H ome and heart, thats what mums are.
E ach and everytime.
P ragmatic as it might be,
O therwise we would suffer,
L onliness without them.
I know I love my mum so much,
C annot picture my life without her in some respect
E ach and every day.
(edited to continue gag)
( , Thu 11 Feb 2010, 18:16, closed)

H ell, yeah, my mum is great!
U sually the first one to step in to the fray,
R eady for anything, that's my mum
R eally love her
Y es i do
( , Thu 11 Feb 2010, 18:26, closed)
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