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Home » Question of the Week » My Collection » Post 69883 | Search
This is a question My Collection

Do you have display cabinets full of stuff? With it all neatly labelled, cross-referenced and entered into a database. Have you been to a convention? Do other collectors look up to you in awe?

I thought I was above this one. I'm not that autistically geeky that I have a Collection with a capital C. But no, I remembered I'm hoarding away every version of "Inside Macintosh" ever published.

What do you collect? And why? I mean, what makes you do it?

(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 16:52)
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why oh why?!
Ok, so this is going to see me put in the 'weirdo' box, but maybe i can find some kharma!

I've collected stuff all my life, and i don't really know why. When i was a young kid i collected crisp packets, something my parents still tease me about. Why?

Then i collected comics, and kept them in boxes thinking i'd read them again in retirement?! Why?

Travelling all over Europe with the folks, i began collecting foreign coins and notes. Now they all sit in a folder at my folks place. Why?

Carrying on from the above, i now collect countries. I've visited 60 so far, and will be doing more this year. not so much of a why, as i really enjoy this one!

When i got a PC after Uni, i got every Game ROM i could find for MAME Emulator, and played them all, once. I still have them backed up on DVD's never to be played again. Why?

This is where the weirdo thing comes fully to the fore. I have a fetish of sorts for women in knee boots. My Harddrive at home is full of pictures collected off the net. I actually saw a psychiatrist about this, and turns out i was probably crawling around women wearing them as a nipper. Cheers mum! Again, Why?

N.B. It should be noted i do actually maintain a normal life despite the above with friends and even girlfriends!
(, Tue 16 Jan 2007, 12:40, Reply)

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