So there I am, aged 11, crawling through the woods with the Scouts when we come upon a big pile of magazines stuck into a tree. Risking losing the game by being seen, we stand up to knock them down.
They flutter down in a big heap - and behold, they are full of nudey ladies!
Crawling through the woods suddenly lost its appeal...
What was your first experience of porn?
( , Thu 25 Jan 2007, 15:29)
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Difficult to know the first time. There were the lingerie catalogues of course, my Dad's suspiciously large collection of glamour photography from magazines and then there was the Spanish holiday, with a TV, showing Porkys or something similar (naked women! In a shower!) - I was surprisingly unkeen to go out that day.. There was the kid at school who's mum bought him porn, and the occasional page 3..
Proper porn had to wait till University(!) when people obtained it from the fledgling Internet and BBSes. Gay porn was much later, and to annoy the anti porn lobby I can happily say that I've not been tempted to try anything really unusual or expect partners to look like supermodels as a result of the eevil pr0n. Mind you, my baseline porn quality level has moved a little bit up from grainy B&W pictures years ago ;)
To answer grandmasterfluffles points though.. the reason Ron Jeremy (ugh) and Peter North (impressive muscles, but still ugh) are popular is because they can consistently get an erection and control themselves, whilst under pressure. Prior to viagra they were the only option. As to monster cocks - I suspect some men imagine themselves like that *shrug*.
The rest of your points boil down to personal taste - personally I like seeing sex with both people enjoying themselves, where they're not in pain but others have different tastes. It's perfectly possible to be a feminist and also love BDSM and bukkake.
( , Fri 26 Jan 2007, 13:25, Reply)
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