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Home » Question of the Week » Near Death Experiences » Post 18857 | Search
This is a question Near Death Experiences

Last time I crashed my bike, as I flew through the air towards the car in front of me not much went through my head apart from "You idiot". No tunnels, no lights to stay away from, no smiling family members beckoning to me.

Surely you've had a better near-death experience?

(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 11:35)
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Not me but a friend...
... we were out walking in the Yorkshire Dales about 12 years ago. You know Gaping Gill? Deepest pothole in the country. Deep enough to swallow St Paul's Cathedral. She thought it funny to walk right across the edge where the stream runs over the lip and plummets 500ft to the bottom. I was keeping a safe 20 ft away.

And I had my camera on her when she slipped. I froze, I couldn't hit the shutter button. Luckily she didn't fall to the left. I eventually managed to get a picture of her with this enormous great "Isn't it fantastic to be alive?" grin on her face.

And then she died last year of a sudden heart attack. *sad*
(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 18:40, Reply)

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