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Home » Question of the Week » Near Death Experiences » Post 18982 | Search
This is a question Near Death Experiences

Last time I crashed my bike, as I flew through the air towards the car in front of me not much went through my head apart from "You idiot". No tunnels, no lights to stay away from, no smiling family members beckoning to me.

Surely you've had a better near-death experience?

(, Thu 25 Nov 2004, 11:35)
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Car Events
I think I was around 11, and the parents had decided on renting a car while we were in Lanzarote. I hated renting cars abroad, because I simply couldn't be arsed to ride around in a car when I could be pratting around in water.
Anyway, because my dad likes to follow random paths, we found ourselves driving towards the edge of a rather sinister looking cliff. My mum instantly started screaming, I shat myself, and dad slammed on the breaks. About half a metre or so from the edge, mum undos her seatbelt and screams, 'I'm not staying in the bloody car, you'll fucking kill us all!'

Truth to be told, I wanted to get out too, when dad began the procedure of turning around on the edge of the cliff.

And another time, probably the same year, when my dad was driving me, my brother and my brother's mate somewhere. Going down one of those country lanes with fences and trees either side, dad manages to avoid another car, only to drive over what he said was 'a clump of grass'. I don't know how fast we were going, but the car managed to turn over until it ended on the side. I had my eyes squeezed shut, thinking, 'Why do I have to die listening to Boyzone?'
Fortunately, I didn't, and we all had to climb out of the sunroof. I also fell of my brother's mate, having been at the side of the car which was in the air and undoing my seatbelt, falling ontop of him.
I got a lift from a kind old lady back home. Only my dad had been hurt, and that was just a cut across the arm from shattered glass.
(, Sat 27 Nov 2004, 11:42, Reply)

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