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Home » Question of the Week » Neighbours » Post 532347 | Search
This is a question Neighbours

I used to live next door to a pair of elderly naturists, only finding out about their hobby when they bade me a cheerful, saggy 'Hello' while I was 25 feet up a ladder repairing the chimney. Luckily, a bush broke my fall, but the memory of a fat, naked man in an ill-fitting wig will live with me forever.

(, Thu 1 Oct 2009, 12:41)
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One night coming back from the pub I was so wankered
I dropped my phone in the street as I was reaching for my keys. The phone spiralled to the ground and broke aparts, various components flying everywhere. Fuck. I drunkenly reached down and attempted a rescue operation. Picked up the battery, the battery cover, found the phone, the keypad... But I suddenly got the strange inkling I was making too much noise. One of my neighbours violently drew back his curtains, opened his window and yelled: “You drunk fucker! You’re making too much fucking noise!”

Being a reasonable chap and also currently down on my knees, I felt round for the first heavy object, a nice big pebble, and lobbed it at the cunt. Hit him square between the eyes David and Goliath style, he fell back looking stunned and confused.

Its true what they say in the bible: Let he who is without sim cast the first stone....
(, Fri 2 Oct 2009, 16:58, 5 replies)
Have a 'spang' and a *click*.
(, Fri 2 Oct 2009, 17:06, closed)
that was like a rubber mallet to the balls
(, Fri 2 Oct 2009, 17:10, closed)
oh you
total utter plonker

(, Sat 3 Oct 2009, 13:52, closed)
You owe
me a new keyboard. I've just spat tea on mine. Have a *click* for appalling punnery.
(, Sat 3 Oct 2009, 16:44, closed)
nearly made me wee.

That is all.
(, Tue 6 Oct 2009, 0:38, closed)

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