In amongst all the tales of bitterness and poo, we occasionally get fluffy stories that bring a small tear to our internet-jaded eyes.
In celebration of this, what is the nicest thing someone's done for you? Whether you thoroughly deserved it or it came out of the blue, tell us of heartwarming, selfless acts by others.
Failing that, what nice things have you done for other people, whether they liked it or not?
( , Thu 2 Oct 2008, 16:14)
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But it involves getting into a Levellers gig at Newcastle's Mayfair (RIP) in the mid 90's.
She'd dragged me along - I thought they were OK, but they didn't excite me. We'd been unable to get tickets so thought we'd hang around outside to see if anyone had any spares. Realising that we were going to have to pay upwards of £40 each, we decided to head home.
"You not coming in then"? a voice behind us shouted. We turned, and there was one of the bouncers at the door.
"Not got tickets", I explained. "Thought we might be able to pick a couple up, but it seems not".
Bouncer nodded understandingly, and proceeded to engage us in conversation. Small stuff, where are you from, what do you do, etc. It's odd, engaging with a bouncer beyond catching their eye as you walk into a gig and nodding ever so slightly.
Anyway, after about 10 minutes, when we were the only people about, he pushed the door open and indicated the stairs. "In you go then, and have a good night".
Grateful we dashed down the stairs and caught the second half of what turned out to be the first in a three act line up - Credit to the Nation. Not my cup of tea, but a bit different to the usual rap stuff about. Three or four songs later he strolled off stage, and a short time later on came Chumbawamba, who were utterly brilliant. Then the Levellers - and I was converted. Instantly better live than on CD, I've seen them a good few times since.
So thank you, that bouncer, for your clandestine act of kindness. I'm sure that the Levs wouldn't have minded a couple of freeloaders getting in. My ex did buy a t-shirt, so she put something back...
Although the kid falling off the balcony during their set and dying in hospital was a bit of a bummer, it has to be said.
( , Sat 4 Oct 2008, 13:30, Reply)
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