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This is a question Now, there was no need for that...

Tell us about the times when an already difficult situation has been made worse for no good reason. Pollollups writes, "As if being given a muscle relaxant and trapped in an MRI tube wasn't bad enough: whilst thus immobilised, they played me Dido."

(, Thu 16 Jun 2005, 7:46)
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one of many childhood mishaps
When I was eight years old, my family visited the Netherlands. We spent one day on a group bicycle tour of the countryside (riding crappy rented bikes, of course). On some godforsaken Dutch road about ten miles from anything at all, a maniac motorist come along and-- from what the rest of the group (read: witnesses) reported-- intentionally forced me off the road, resulting in a rather embarassing fall down a steep hill into a ditch.

The ditch was full of stinging nettles. Hooray.
(, Wed 22 Jun 2005, 9:00, Reply)

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