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This is a question No Self-Awareness

I had a boss who had no idea of his body odour problem, and everybody was too tactful to break it to him. Not so a visiting Rev Ian Paisley: "What the blazes is that smell? Is it you?" That sorted it. Stories of people blissfully unaware of their bad smells, bad manners and foghorn voices.

Suggested by Ding Dong Montily on High

(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 13:31)
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Why have you just screenshotted the posts immediately above this?

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:33, 1 reply)
The bit at the bottom was what Dr Shambollock deleted.
I just left the top bit in to show where it used to be.
(it does look like a real post, I admit, but it's a piccie).
Edit : And in it goes again!
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:36, closed)
You left it in to show 'where it used to be'?
What, the exact same place?

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:45, closed)
Christ. This one is bordering on Bou levels of mental.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:47, closed)
I'm going to screenshot that post when when you post it again, in exactly the same place at exactly the same time.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:51, closed)
You'll have to do better than that.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:54, closed)
I can't think of any bettrer description of lunacy to describe someone screenshotting and then posting something..
...which is still there.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 14:58, closed)
Soz. Which dreary mental would you prefer I compared you to?

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:01, closed)
There's a certain amount of Legless-esque 'no, I'm actually upsetting YOU by getting angry and insulting you' going on here I suppose.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:06, closed)

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:12, closed)
It's the internet for Christ's sake
Nothing you could say would get me angry. I know you think that's how it sounds but that voice in your head? It's yours, not mine.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:27, closed)
No, you're right.
Screenshotting something which is still clearly visible is definitely the act of a calm and sane mind.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:52, closed)
"The World According to Amorous Bugger".
I bet you love the little world you live in.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:56, closed)
I'm in your screengrab.
Could you validate my on-line presence, too?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 16:04, closed)
Oh hang on. Are you the super witty one who HILARIOUSLY alters names?
Blob Bumsmell. AHAHAHAHAHA. Priceless.

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 16:22, closed)
You still keep missing the point
And if you want to think I'm male, then go ahead.
I'm sure it's what you want.
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 16:48, closed)

(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 16:50, closed)
Yes. Perfectly sane.
Are you trying to say that it's the actions of an obsessive loon?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:28, closed)
The 'bit at the bottom' being the words...
'(What I'm saying here is that I'm a big dick
and the dulls are itchy little crabs.)'

Which are still there?
(, Mon 3 Dec 2012, 19:32, closed)
What, the bit you edited after I commented on it?
Yes, it's there.
(, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 6:55, closed)
6:55am: not upset

(, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:39, closed)
ignore 2.0 - definitely not upset

(, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 17:54, closed)

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