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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Whoa nearly got a murderin'
Just came back from football at the other side of the county. We got beat 4-2 or 5-2 and I only got on for 5 fucking minutes so I'm extremely pissed off.

So we came back across county towards the pub that sponsors us and we usually have a pint or two, sandwiches and soup after the game. In a fit of silent protest I decided to surreptitiously not turn up to the pub in some kind of petty silent protest.

AAAAANYWAY. So I was walking home and heard some dodgy mobile-ish music round the corner and presumed that despite the rather high decibel level, this could only be the quality of a mobile phone. So I turned the corner and over the other side of the road was a group of 4 hooded youths with predicted cheap mobile.

I had to cross the road to get onto my small street and, I admit the first thing to cross my mind was "what the fuck are these non-educated delinquents doing on my fucking street?" and secondly, well I can't exactly walk past my turn-off like a coward so I'll put my head up and strut on past. I think lac of confidence to them is like a dog smelling fear.

Just before I decided to cross I realised they were beginning to cross to my side? Oh well danger averted. Not so - these hooligans decided to feint back towards me in their little pack of stinking badness, but luckily I'd made my turn off and turned my back on them.

It was then when a fucking basketball smashed the wall beside my head. Now I heard the initial kick sound so expected it would be aimed towards me but didn't expect it to be so close. Being so pissed off, ohhhh I was pure raging at the football tonight so I absolutely leathered the basketball at my feet over about 3 garden walls and pegged it down my road!!

Seeing as I got so little action at the football I was fit enough to outrun them (I didn't run into my house as they would know where I lived) what with them being drug addicted waste of spaces.


ahem the last part was a lie

What actually happened was I jogged towards the basketball, shouted - "you'll be wanting this back?" and kicked the ball back towards them. Only as the ball was wedged into the curbside I completely scuffed it and they laughed at me :(

As they walked away with the ball one of the smaller ones shouted "naw don't kill yerself".

Which left me bemused...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 20:58, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Oh yes apologies for the internet-emo etc but I'm not much of a fighter being quite skinny/athletic(!) and the whole thing just topped off my shite night.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 20:59, Reply)
You were nearly murdered?
More like, you were almost three-pointed.

I admit it though, these groups sometimes make me feel uneasy. Although I don't think that feeling is any different now than it was when I was fourteen.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 7:52, Reply)

When I went to pass the ball back the leader had that chav-like strut, as if he thinks hes a boxer or something. I am certain that if I done something stupid like kick the ball away they would've had no qualms in attacking me! And being in such a terrible mood I was quite close to reacting badly.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 9:03, Reply)

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