Advice from Old People
Sometimes, just sometimes, old people say something worth listening to. Ok, so it's like picking the needle out of a whole haystack of mis-remembered war stories, but those gems should be celebrated.
Tell us something worthwhile an old-type person has told you.
Note, we're leaving the definition of old up to you, you smooth-skinned youngsters.
chthonic, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:16)
'you can only piss with the cock you've got'
big fat cocks, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 21:01,
2 replies)
bit of advice that. The man isn't wrong.
geordiedave is reliving the time Southgate missed that penalty, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 21:05,
I use this all the time, in loads of different situation.
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Fri 20 Jun 2008, 12:31,