That's me on TV!
Hotdog asks: Ever been on TV? I once managed to "accidentally" knock Ant (but not Dec) over live on the box.
We last asked this in 2004, but we know you've sabotaged more telly since then
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 11 Jun 2009, 12:08)
People used to regularly come up to me and say "Did I see you on TV?"
Now how the fuck am I supposed to know what they were watching?
It's a one way medium, you cretins.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Fri 12 Jun 2009, 11:23,
3 replies)
have you been on tv a lot?
Vipros. clever got me this far, then tricky got me in, Fri 12 Jun 2009, 11:55,
he's b3ta's favourite ex TV presenter.
PsychoChomp, Fri 12 Jun 2009, 12:27,
good point
*click* (sometimes I am easily pleased).
sanityclause is waiting until, Fri 12 Jun 2009, 12:42,