Have you ever - voluntarily or otherwise - appeared in front of an audience? How badly did it go?
chthonic, Fri 19 Aug 2011, 9:26)
I sang in the school choir.
We used to perform Evensong every Wednesday evening, and always did two or three concerts throughout the year plus one every night during the weeks choir holiday. They always went well, and everyone enjoyed them.
Well, that was interesting.
The Awful Puppy Bakery is still bored, Mon 22 Aug 2011, 10:39,
3 replies)
how many times did you have to deep-throat the priest?
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Mon 22 Aug 2011, 17:32,
Notice it says school choir.
There was no priest.
The Awful Puppy Bakery is still bored, Mon 22 Aug 2011, 18:30,
Then who were you expected to suck off?
Now I'm confused.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Mon 22 Aug 2011, 18:54,