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This is a question Performance

Have you ever - voluntarily or otherwise - appeared in front of an audience? How badly did it go?

(, Fri 19 Aug 2011, 9:26)
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I was at one time something of a bully
A ruffian, an intimidator of the weak. It was all a big performance of course, for the big lads I was trying to impress - we all knew where the real power lay, but as long as I performed, I was accepted into their circles. I shouted, I threatened, I intimidated, I appeared with aggressive intent - all a big act, but it put the frighteners up the flash little twerps. But, acting the hard man, I made the classic mistake of thinking no-one would mess with me, and of course I was wrong, so after overstepping the mark I had to lie low.

Trouble is, for every bully like me, there's a dozen waiting to step into my shoes. So getting away was difficult. I managed to hide out in the basement of a grungy old flat, where the occupants were aging hippies completely away with the fucking fairies. Weirdos. One of them used to be a singer or something - quite a performer, in his own way. Old rubberlips, the maid called him. Turned out we had more in common than I first realised, as I only fully realised when the big lads came and shot him/me.
(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 4:29, 5 replies)
Never seen it
is it any good?
(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 10:08, closed)
I quite liked it..
However, I've never seen it all in one go, must try it when I've not been to the pub...
(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 10:15, closed)
Never seen it?
I don't even know what it is.
(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 10:40, closed)
oh FFS
I assume it must be 'Performance' and I am just slow on the uptake.
(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 10:41, closed)

(, Thu 25 Aug 2011, 12:40, closed)

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