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This is a question Personal Hygiene

There comes a point at which your hygiene becomes less your problem and more everyone else's:

My old school nurse never seemed to wash - instead she wrapped herself in crepe bandages from the first aid kits. The smell was beyond pungent. If you got ill at school, it was better to suffer than try and explain symptoms whilst only breathing out.

When she was eventually 'let go',they had to strip the wallpaper in her office to get rid of the lingering odour.

How scuzzy have you got? Or, failing that, how bad have people you know got?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2007, 12:40)
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Probably my own fault...but hey if you've got 'em- flaunt 'em.
Well, for a start I began reading this QOTW eating my lunch (which today consisted of smoked mackeral mixed with cottage cheese - all mushed up. Now I have a strong stomach- but even I had to wait until after I had eaten to continue reading)

I have the misfortune of working for a man who drinks lots of VERY strong (and cheap) coffee who smokes enough to choke a small whale. He also has a habit of leaning over me when he speaks (I am fairly well endowed- and trying to gain the attention of a fit developer - so tops are- shall we say-revealing - in a tasteful way)so I have no choice but to smell his stinky breath .

The smell- my god- I have to breath through my mouth -i can actually taste his breath. Unfortunately I have been promoted and will have to take a lot more of this in the future. May have to cover up more.

sorry just read that back again- may have to find another job (nearer the devloper)
(, Fri 23 Mar 2007, 13:27, Reply)

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