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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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I absolutely hate seeing Paramedics walking about
I've been in hospital too many times that it just brings back some really horrid memories. I appreciate what they are doing of course, but their presense just suggests that something is wrong with someone, not nice :(

Last year some emergency 4x4 ambulance was parked up in the carpark just outside my house, waking up and seeing that there just got my back up every time.

As for hospitals...
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 13:48, 3 replies)
Yeah.. those life-saving BASTARDS
All life-saving equipment and personnel should be kept hidden from view at all times... unless of course we even need their selfless dedication and expertise... Then they should be allowed out... but only for as long as really needed..
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:02, closed)
hence why i said
"I appreciate what they are doing of course"

Doesn't make me enjoy their presense though does it?
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:08, closed)
tis true.. tis true.

I need a beer.

anyone else?
(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 9:13, closed)

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