Sitting in my local pub late one night enjoying the landlord's flexible idea of what constitutes his licencing hours, a bunch of drunk blokes in raincoats burst in. Requesting to be served, one shouted at the barman "It's alright - we're not coppers!"
They were spitting images of Lt. Columbo to a man. The barman laughed them out of the pub.
( , Thu 22 Sep 2005, 10:12)
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Was walking down a main road in Swansea one afternoon, and as me n a friend were getting close to the shops, we heard some cars screeching behind us. A Volvo with two middle-aged normal peeps were being tail-gated by some thug in a red Sierra, right upto the bumper. As the Volvo passed the shops, the Sierra decided to overtake the Volvo; except he used the shop parking spaces to do it, and not the road. This freaked out the woman who was driving the Vovlo, and the Sierra pulled back onto the road clipping the front of her car, before they both stopped.
Me and me mate both legged it down to the shops, not to help, but rather just to be fecking nosey.
So the woman gets out of her Volvo, a bit shaken up. Her husband is still sitting in the car, seemingly a bit bemused as well. The Sierra driver gets out, all 6 foot 4 of him, complete fecking ASBO, and marches upto the woman.
"Look luv, I'm in a hurry, we'll sort this out again." With that, he turns around and goes to march off.
"Excuse me, but before you go anywhere, I need your insurance details please" she asks calmly.
"I just said once" he booms, "I'm in a fecking hurry."
"Well I need those details sorry. You've damaged my car."
With this, he walks towards her and leans over her. In a threatening voice, he says;
"What are you going to do if I don't?"
She didn't even flinch. She instead calmly nodded to her husband in the car, who was getting out, and said "I'm going to do nothing son, but my husband who'se a Police Officer is going to throw you to the dogs." We look over, and the husband produces his badge while smiling very broadly.
I've never seen a 6 foot 4 guy drop his mouth open so quickly; I was laughing all the way to the AIDS clinic :)
( , Thu 22 Sep 2005, 19:53, Reply)
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