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Home » Question of the Week » Shoddy Presents » Post 15656 | Search
This is a question Shoddy Presents

I have an aunt who for many years would send me the same christmas present every year. A Biro. Each year I wrote inevitable "Thankyou so much for the Biro. I am using it to write this letter" letter, each year a new one arrived.

Tell us all about the rubbish that has been foisted upon you over the years.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2004, 10:14)
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Oh, I can think of two!
Fisrt, A great Auntie sent me sellotape (...)

Secondly, my (senile) grandparents send me a book called 'knitting with dog hair'. No joke, it's actually a book about how to knit with dog hair. I don't have a dog, they know this. I don't even LIKE dogs, they also know this. I can't knit and have no interest in knitting, yes, they also know this. I don't think they like me very much...
(, Thu 23 Sep 2004, 21:14, Reply)

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